Resources for Students in McLennan County, TX: Unlocking the Potential of Education

Are you a student enrolled in an academic program in McLennan County, TX? If so, you have access to a wealth of resources that can help you reach your educational and career goals. The MCC Financial Aid Office is a great place to start, as about 70 percent of MCC students are eligible for financial aid. The Learning Commons at the Learning Technology Center (LTC) is another great resource. It offers tutoring and other services to help students succeed, such as Academic Support & Tutoring (AST), which provides essay writing support and tutoring in all major subjects.

The Mathematics Laboratory is also available to improve student success in mathematics and math orientation courses. The McLennan Community Clinic is a partnership between McLennan Community College and the Family Health Center, while the Healthy Women and Children Coalition works to increase the number of women receiving annual preventive care, reduce adolescent pregnancy, and reduce disparities in health outcomes for women of all races. Lost and Found is located at the Campus Police, on the first floor of Student Services, and in the Continuing Education office of the Community Services Center. CAN McLennan County is a dedicated group that focuses on providing access to certificates and degree programs, support during completion of those programs, and access to financial resources and university information for all McLennan County students.

McLennan's veterinary and agriculture assistant programs are located on the ranch. Whenever space is available, children can be cared for at the McLennan Child Development Center, located in the Community Services Center. Academic advisors are also available to help students make responsible decisions that enable them to achieve their academic and professional goals. To help students make decisions about workforce programs, you can find paid employment information for each program on the paid employment website.

Elizabeth Pugliese
Elizabeth Pugliese

Evil pop culture expert. Friendly beer fanatic. General internet scholar. Passionate food specialist. Proud analyst.

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